Tips And Advice – Writing A Design Brief
An article explaining why you need and how to write a design brief.
Tips and Advice Getting A Logo Designed
So you’ve set up your business, decided on a company name and now you need a Logo. So how do you go about this you ask? In this blog I will discuss the following: If you haven’t already, check out my blog on what makes a good logo! Finding The Right Designer To Work With […]
Branding basics Logos
So you’ve decided to set up your own business. You’ve chosen your business name. Whats next? Well that would be your logo. Not everyone has a big budget for a logo, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t still have a great logo designed. In this blog I’m going to discuss the following: What is […]
5 Reasons You Should Hire An Illustrator
Whether you’re setting up a new business or you already have an existing brand, an Illustrator can be a worthwhile investment for your company. When most people think of illustration they think of picture books. However illustrators are visual problem-solvers who have a diverse range of skills and abilities. Many Illustrators will have studied a […]
Freelance Illustrator & Designer Survival Guide
So its been a little over 6 years since I walked out of the door of the greetings card and gifting product studio I was employed at. Although I miss the other designers and illustrators in the studio it has been the best decision I have ever made. Standing on your own two feet and […]
Freelancing – surviving the first year
So you’ve decided to take that big leap of faith, and yes it is a rather large leap and it can have its highs and its lows but if you can ride it out you will start reaping the rewards of all of your hard work. After a year in business I felt that it […]